Interface: SettingsState
clearCacheFreq• clearCacheFreq: number
Clear cache frequency in days
dailyRebootTime• dailyRebootTime: string
Format: 09:00:00Z
deviceName• Optional
deviceName: string
displayGroupName• Optional
displayGroupName: string
heartbeatInterval• heartbeatInterval: number
hideWhitelabel• hideWhitelabel: boolean
is4kScreen• is4kScreen: boolean
Is the Player connected to a 4K display?
isLegacyDevice• isLegacyDevice: boolean
isMuted• isMuted: boolean
Is the display muted?
isOnDevice• isOnDevice: boolean
isProxyEnabled• isProxyEnabled: boolean
locale• locale: string
The saved language for the current Display Group playing the app.
orientation• orientation: Orientation
The Display Group's set orientation (portrait or landscape).
proofOfPlayEnabled• proofOfPlayEnabled: boolean
proofOfPlayReceiptUrl• proofOfPlayReceiptUrl: string
proofOfPlaySendInterval• proofOfPlaySendInterval: number
rebootDaily• rebootDaily: boolean
showAppAlerts• showAppAlerts: boolean
showSocialAlerts• showSocialAlerts: boolean
showWifiIcon• showWifiIcon: boolean
soundEnabled• soundEnabled: boolean
timezone• timezone: string
transitionType• transitionType: string
The current Display Group's saved animation used by the Player to transition between applications.
whitelabel• whitelabel: string
The value of the white label set for a given Player.
zoningInfo• zoningInfo: ZoneInfo
An object containing the app's width, height, size, and zone, available for zoning widgets as well as the main app.