Interfaces- AccountCustomPropertiesResponse
- AccountInfo
- AccountInfoResponse
- ApiDataConnectorOptions
- ApiDataItem
- ApiQueryParameter
- Asset
- AssetDataBackendValue
- AssetPreviewApp
- AssetPreviewData
- AssetPreviewRequest
- BaseAsset
- BindingConfig
- BindingPair
- Button
- ConnectionHttpHeaders
- ConnectionParams
- ConnectionQueryParams
- CustomProperty
- DataBoundScheduleBackend
- DataCollectionBackend
- DataConnectionConfig
- DataItemInfo
- DataItems
- DefaultAsset
- DeployDialogOptions
- EncodedResourceResult
- EncodingStatusResult
- EnplugAccount
- EnplugUser
- FacebookAuthParams
- FeatureFlag
- FeedData
- FilepickerOptions
- FilepickerStoreToOptions
- FilepickerUploadedFile
- FontDefinition
- FontsApiItem
- JsonMapping
- Layout
- NetworkBasicInfo
- OpenConfirmOptions
- PreapprovalDialogOptions
- PullConnectionConfig
- PullDataBindingConfig
- PushConnectionConfig
- PushDataBindingConfig
- Schedule
- SizingConfig
- SocialItem
- SocialItemMedia
- SocialItemUser
- SocialItemsResponse
- SubscriptionInfo
- ThemeAsset
- ThemeBackground
- ThemeDefinition
- ThemeSection
- ThemeSectionProperties
- TimeRange
- TwitterSubscriptionStatusResponse
- UploadedFileResult
- UploaderOptions
- UserBasicInfo
- ZoningApp
- ZoningAppsResponse
- ZoningConfig
- enplug
Type aliases#
AccountStateƬ AccountState: "Active"
| "GracePeriod"
| "Suspended"
| "Trial"
AccountTypeƬ AccountType: "Network"
| "Venue"
AssetPreviewTypeƬ AssetPreviewType: "graphics"
| "video"
| "url"
| "app"
BillingPeriodƬ BillingPeriod: "Annual"
| "Biannual"
| "Biennial"
| "Monthly"
| "Triennial"
| "Unknown"
BindingDataTypeƬ BindingDataType: "image"
| "date"
| "text"
CollectionMethodƬ CollectionMethod: "Automatic"
| "Manual"
| "None"
ConnectionTypeƬ ConnectionType: "push"
| "pull"
DashboardLogicVariantƬ DashboardLogicVariant: null
| "kone"
| "arts"
DataItemƬ DataItem: Date
| DataImage
| string
DataTypeƬ DataType: "date"
| "text"
| "image"
DefaultAssetLevelƬ DefaultAssetLevel: "Default"
| "Network"
| "Account"
These are meant to available to client apps
DisplaySelectorCallbackƬ DisplaySelectorCallback: (displayId
: string
) => void
Type declaration▸ (displayId
): void
ParametersName | Type |
displayId | string |
EnvironmentƬ Environment: "staging"
| "dev"
| "production"
FilepickerConversionƬ FilepickerConversion: "crop"
| "rotate"
| "filter"
ItemLevelƬ ItemLevel: "Account"
| "Default"
| "Network"
NetworkTypeƬ NetworkType: "Default"
| "Kone"
| "Master"
| "Reseller"
OrientationƬ Orientation: "landscape"
| "portrait"
PlanTypeƬ PlanType: "Custom"
| "Enplug"
| "FixedPricePerLicense"
| "Free"
| "None"
RefreshFrequencyƬ RefreshFrequency: 1
| 5
| 10
| 30
ThemePropertyTypeƬ ThemePropertyType: "color"
| "font"
| "backgroundSelector"
| "backgroundColor"
WidgetTypeƬ WidgetType: "main"
| "banner"
| "ticker"
heightƬ height: number
widthƬ width: number